Saturday, September 8, 2012

Martens Progress Zumbathon

The 1st September marked the day of the Martens Progress zumbathon, and I think everyone was really looking forward to this one after the amazing day we had at the Radio Lollipop zumbathon, and I'm happy to say that it absolutely didn't disappoint! The money was being raised for Marten, a 20 month old boy from Kilbarchan, who has cerebal palsy, and has to fly to Belgium to receive ABR treatment, as its not available in this country. You can read more about Marten's story, and donate a few pounds to him here: Marten's Progress Firstly and most importantly, thanks should be given to Gemma McNaughton for organising this amazing event, Gemma is always fundraising, and does such a great job of making these events a success. Gemma with Marten:
And further thanks to all the instructors on the day who were all absolutely fantastic! L-R Claire, Andy, Pamela, Gemma, Lindsey, Rebecca, Cheryl
And obviously a huge round of applause to all the people who participated! Especially those that lasted the full 3 hours!
What an amazing turn out!


So, Jamie came to the studio, and after 40 minutes of gabbing, we decided to spend 10 minutes taking some photos....

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Erm, hello there! I haven't been here in a while, I'm really sorry, but the reason is because I'm rubbish at keeping this updated. Just thought I'd stick up some photos from a recent shoot with Shannen Allison (Model) and Cat Gatenby (MUA). The crazy pink makeup was all Cat's idea. The pink wig and awesome hat were things I picked up across the road in primark for £1 before the shoot.
I still have a bunch of photos to edit from this shoot. Once I'm less busy. So there may be a part 2. Lynn x